More sharing, less work, better outcomes - What a great idea!

In 2014, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care released a Strategic Planning Report where healthcare providers were interviewed regarding their thoughts in relation to the work they do for accreditation and monageing clinical governance generally. Here are some of their comments from page 6 - 13.

In particular, health services wanted to:

"have uniformity of information across sectors (so people are getting the same messages)"

"share information and knowledge between health services, especially in relation to initiatives where there is evidence that these initiatives have resulted in good patient outcomes, know where to access information, or which organisation to go to if they are struggling and need assistance"

"..have a repository of best practice examples, so that other services can leverage the good work that has already been done” “….

"system just doesn’t seem to have that flexibility or adaptability to keep up with things that are changing” -

Do any of these comments resonate with you?

We work in silos, that is why there is so much duplication and rework in the clinical governance and accreditation space. Between us, we have an incredible pool of knowledge. The big picture organisaitons, like the ACSQHC or the CEC are great but wouldnt it be fantastic if all of us could easily helpone another. Whether it is a large or small care provider, people are usually very open and willing to share their information, expertise and lessons learnt. The problem is there is no easy way to do this.

That is why OneVault created "Share Network" 

If you would like to know more about how you can share information between sites or between other organisatios while protecting your IP and getting the acknowledgement you deserve, flick us an email and we will organise a time to chat.